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Brain Scans


Helping Your Brain Get Back On Track

NeuroVision Huntsville
Welcome to InVision Chiropractic's Flagship division for neurological understanding and training: NeuroVision. We offer neurological evaluations in Huntsville, AL that are dynamic and systems-based. Evaluating how the brain and body function together may seem like new territory for some, but we have been involved with this modern science from the very beginning. 

InVision Chiropractic is pleased to be a neurologically-based chiropractor in Huntsville, AL offering three cutting edge neurologically-based therapies under our NeuroVision arm. BrainTap, NeuroInfiniti, and NeuroTracker all help train and retrain different parts of your brain to achieve different outcomes - but all to increase your brain's capacity. Whether you're dealing with stress, anxiety, ADHD, traumatic brain injury, or a host of other neurological disorders, NeuroVision offers something to help get you functioning at peak performance. 


Braintap is a quick (as little as 10-20 minutes a day) and easy (just wear the headset!) way to reset your baseline, destress and reenergize by simply optimizing your brain’s peak potential—anytime, anywhere. Backed by neuroscience and research, BrainTap is proven to help people who experience high stress, difficulty sleeping, low energy, and other lifestyle challenges.

BrainTap guides your mind from an awake, reactionary mind into an intuitive, creative state, then to a place where training and healing can occur, with the outcome being lower stress and crystal clear focus.
We offer BrainTap in Huntsville, AL in our office - or you can even purchase your own at-home device!



Dr. Aplin is one of the original 5 doctors tasked with the development of this technology and Dr. Aplin trained doctors worldwide for over 20 years in this exciting new systems-based neurological evaluation called NeuroInfiniti.

The NeuroInfiniti is a multi-system based evaluation tool that allows the doctor and patient to better understand just how their brain and body function together. We are all a system of systems, and isolating one function in one system offers little understanding as to the full expression of life.

Each component of the NeuroInfiniti has been researched and used by the different specialties within medicine for years. Neurologists use EEG to better understand the brain. Cardiologists use EKG’s to better understand the heart. Respiratory specialists look at respiration. A Physiatrist may focus on muscles. Other specialists may look at skin conductance, while still others may focus on hand temperatures. No one ever thought to take each of these technologies and run them simultaneously, not until these 5 doctors. What was discovered was the difference between treating the symptoms resulting from a problem and uncovering the process, or processes that most likely created the problem. This is more in line with what “Health” or the absence of health, “Sickness” is – the result of a process.

Outside of direct trauma, virtually every condition is the result of a process. That’s how the body works. That’s how the brain  orchestrates the body. If you want “health”, look at the processes. If you want “not sick”, look at the symptoms. 
Our brains, and consequently our bodies, operate ideally using a balance. We react to a stimulus, and we recover from that reaction. If we react too much, we tip the scale, creating an imbalance. If we don’t recover as well, we tip the scale, creating an imbalance. Neuroscience tells us that we react and recover from stimuli up to 3 Trillion times each and every day. Now that’s a lot of work! Fortunately, most of this work is done under the radar; unconsciously. We don’t know how much oxygen is in our blood at any given moment, but our brain does. How much iron is in your blood? Your brain knows.


Proper function in the body is dependent on how much capacity your brain has to perform that function, and capacity is created through the recovery system of the body. So, the question becomes, how do we see what’s happening before something fails? How do we find what has caused the fire? Look to the processes. That’s NeuroInfiniti and that’s NeuroVision!


The NeuroInfiniti’s Stress Response Evaluation (SRE) measures seven different things:


  • Brainwaves

  • Respiration

  • Heart Rate

  • Heart Rate Variability

  • Temperature

  • Galvanic Skin Response

  • Muscle tone (sEMG)


Static – or baseline – readings of these seven modalities give us an excellent window into the patient’s cortical and limbic function. However, the brilliance of the SRE is that it not only measures how these seven modalities respond to a stressor, but equally, if not more importantly, it also measures how quickly the patient recovers from the stressor (if they recover at all!)​ This is what we refer to as "capacity" - your body's ability to recover from stress, which is a key to good health.



Watch Now

Take a listen to Jody explain the difference NeuroTracker has made in her husband Lee's progress following a debilitating stroke. 

Real Results From NeuroTracker Huntsville.png


NeuroTracker is the top rated cognitive platform in the world. Professional teams and leagues like the NBA, NHL, NFL, MLS, MLB, Premier League and others are working with NeuroTracker. Our own military has adopted NeuroTracker and cognitive training
for their elite soldiers, fighter pilots, and astronauts. In the field of elite sports, cognitive training has propelled athletes to a level of performance unmatched by other training.


What was once available to only these elite athletes is now available to you and me. Beyond sports, the benefits of cognitive training have been demonstrated in children, young adults, new mothers, business executives, older adults and the elderly.

Cognitive training boosts neuroplasticity in the brain, improving learning as well as retention. Most children love NeuroTracker. They see it as a game. They understand it and they are motivated to improve with it. Research has demonstrated that children at
any intellectual level are well suited for NeuroTracker, and it can significantly improve their attention. Boosting neuroplasticity represents an important feature in the learning process, and can have dramatic effects for challenged children and young kids.


In young mothers, especially following pregnancy, there is little awareness of the challenges they face. Following pregnancy, there is a sudden adjustment with the new baby, loss of sleep, fatigue and stress. Additional pressures are added when the mother attempts to return to work. The cognitive strain placed on new mothers is enormous. Training may help with this strain offering better coping and attention.

In older adults and the elderly, many feel that they are less capable of navigating their day to day activities, including driving, reading and short term memory recall of simple names and numbers. Studies show that cognitive decline typically continues to progress with age, especially in the less active where the brain is receiving less stimulation. Reduced neuroplasticity is also a related factor for increased risks of developing cognitive conditions such as dementia in older populations. Several studies have demonstrated the benefits of cognitive training with NeuroTracker in improving driving skills in older populations.

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